Rear sight, coordinates
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) schrieb:
what the fuck is a rear sight(aim)
can you draw it?
CControls::m_MousePos or CControls::m_TargetPos
I am actually not sure which one it is. You can find this definition in the following class file: src/game/client/components/controls.h -
Tim schrieb:
CControls::m_MousePos or CControls::m_TargetPos
I am actually not sure which one it is. You can find this definition in the following class file: src/game/client/components/controls.h
I can get cursor position in character.cpp? How it do?Not need Big thanks men)) :xD:
This code helped me:
[cpp]vec2 AimPos = m_Pos+vec2(m_LatestInput.m_TargetX, m_LatestInput.m_TargetY);[/cpp]
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