Angepinnt Teeworlds 3vs3 Cup

    • Teeworlds 3vs3 Cup

      Tournament Cup 3vs3 CTF
      The Tournament will take part on 12th July 2020 , 6 PM(CEST) .
      There will be different maps where you have to fight with your team (3vs3) against other teams.
      From the first round up until Quarterfinals, the first team to win 2 games win.The looserteam decides the next map. Servers will be hosted by locations around the world, including US, RUS, and GER. The scorelimit will be 600 without a timelimit .
      How to sign up :
      You can sign up discord

      Who is allowed to play :
      Every player is invited to play this Tournament . It does not matter if your skill is good or bad . Every player is treated same . It does not matter if you play DDrace , Race , or Instagib , we are encouraging you to come and try your best!. This tournament is supposed to be for fun.
      How you can contact us :
      You can write a pm on this Forum or add me on Discord : Roco#2043 . ( I am open for any questions)
      During the Tournament we will have a channel on Discord .
      Who is planning this :
      Official the tournament is planning : Roco
      What do we need :
      - 8 referees
      - Someone for the bracket
      - 2 peoples who look if everything is running o.k
      When you are interested in one of this jobs , write a pm on this forum or ask a dgt. member ingame.
      Servers :
      This servers are sponsored by DDRaceNetwork and we are very thankfull about this :
      - 3vs3 CTF - Tournament GER #1 : xxxxxxxx:7001
      - 3vs3 CTF - Tournament GER #2 : xxxxxxxx:7002
      - 3vs3 CTF - Tournament GER #3 : xxxxxxxx:7003
      - 3vs3 CTF - Tournament RUS #1 : xxxxxxxx:7001
      - 3vs3 CTF - Tournament RUS #2 : xxxxxxxx:7002
      - 3vs3 CTF - Tournament USA #1 : xxxxxxxx:7001
      - 3vs3 CTF - Tournament USA #2 : xxxxxxx:7002
      Maps: CTF3 - CTF_Tantum_old - Master_exploder - CTF8
      Rules: ( We will take the rules from last Tournament )
      The first player reaching the scorelimit will win the match.

      Our team will assign you and your opponent (according to the bracket) to one of our servers. The match can't take place anywhere else.
      You have to follow our directives when a team-member is there. (A round will not begin if we do not start it)

      If you don't appear to your first match, you will be replaced by a player on the waiting list.
      Your IRC Nickname has to be equal to your nickname in the bracket (respectively to your nickname on, when you were added via PM)
      You may not request a (short) pause during a round, but after it.

      Using a bot, any kind of tool not provided by the official teeworlds version or watching a stream during your match (or spectating with a second client), means immediate disqualification from this and further tournaments.
      You may use Anti-Ping to work against high latency.

      We reserve the right to change the rules, even during a tournament.

      Prices: 1.Place 100€
      2.Place 50€
      3.Place 25€

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 7 mal editiert, zuletzt von Roco ()